In 2025, the competent immigration directorates and employment supervisory authorities will intensify their investiagtion of the compliance with the related legal requirements at employers employing foreign nationals. Feedback from our clients also confirms that inspections are more frequent, and the authorities impose fines more strictly. In addition to the existence of the necessary permits, it is a priority area of control whether employers have complied with all their reporting obligations.
Missed or late reporting may result in a public order fine or a labour fine, which may cause the rejection of future applications for work and residence permits.
The immigration and employment supervisory authorities are entitled to visit employers at any time, without prior notice, and to carry out their inspection procedure there.
If the authorities find a violation, the employer is condemned. Penalties are imposed depending on the severity of the offence. The penalty is more severe if the offence affects several employees or if the authority finds a repeated offence.
In connection with late reportings, both the immigration authority and the employment supervision authority may impose fines without holding an on-site inspection.
If you need help with the administration of permits related to the employment of foreign nationals or the fulfilment of employer reporting obligations, please contact our office using the contact details on the website.